Sunday, April 8, 2018

TMI? Probably. Worth Sharing? Definitely.

     I gave birth to my youngest son in January 2008.  I have not had a regular period since April 2007. After the birth of my son, I got an IUD at my 6 week check up.  I had it in the full 5 years and it was removed March 2013.  I was told that with the type of IUD I chose, the loss of my period was common.  Who was I to complain, right?! I figured once I had it removed that they would start up with a few months of removal, or at lest that is what I was told.  In the past 5 years I have had a handful of "spotting" days. When I say spotting, I am being generous.  I went to the doctor for years doing every test under the sun to make sure there was nothing wrong with me.  Most of them dismissed me saying due to my age I was starting menopause. Even though I had no one other symptom.  They excused away the fact that my body was not following the normal protocol of stopping.  I got a lot of "Well, that's odd".  Little did I know the effect that not having my period would have on my body.  I kept getting asked the same question, "Are you sure you want it back?" I never thought the answer would be a resounding "YES!"  I am unable to lose weight, try as I may. (I have increased my physical activity, changed my diet, and cut out all soda.) How do you not lose any weight doing these things?  Especially stopping the soda.  I was also told by each health care professional that the two have no correlation. Who actually knows the other health issues this may have caused, since all of my concerns have been pushed by the wayside.  I have had my hormones checked, I am not in Menopause nor in Peri-menopause.  I have had every square centimeter of my female reproductive organs checked and checked again. They are fully functional and healthy.  I even had a breast reduction surgery that took me from a size E to a C.  Not a pound gone. My blood work is impeccable, especially for a "person of my size", I was once told. UGH!

     So what's a Mama Bear to do?  Take her health into her own hands I say! As you all know, I am a huge fan of Essential Oils and a Wellness Advocate for dōTERRA.  At the beginning of January, one of the groups that I belong to that is focused on our company, conducted a 30 cleanse challenge using our LifeLong Vitality supplement line, our Probiotic, our GX Assist product, our Zendocrine products, DDR Prime, and Lemon oil.  Who doesn't need a cleanse and reset after the holiday's?  I was all on board.  I did really well with following through.  I was loving the way I was feeling.  My head was clear, I was making better eating choices, I had a ton of energy.  I did not drop a pound.  Not a single one.  How is that even possible? It didn't stop me. I decided to do another one mid-March.  I knew that the way I was feeling was worth it. But, was I really ready to accept that I would always be the chubby girl?  I am healthy, but what was there more could I do?  Along with using my Essential Oils, I began learning about Ayurveda and I also began to focus on clearing my Chakras using EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique).

     About 2 weeks before I left to see my family down in Florida for Spring Break, I got a pinched nerve in my neck.  I was miserable, and desperate.  The pain began on my left side at the base of my skull and ran all the way down to my hip.   It made certain activities and sleeping a nightmare.  Sadly, as a single mom, I do not get the luxury of checking out and healing. I do have older children that are extremely helpful and allow me a little reprieve.   I saw my doctor, who ordered an X-Ray.  It confirmed that I have a herniated disc between C4 and C5 in my neck.  She then gave me injections of Lidocaine and a Corticosteroid.  It offered relief for about 3 minutes.  A friend of mine generously set up an appointment with a Chiropractor that was sent down from heaven! His skill and mastery is just shy of miraculous.  My insurance does not cover such services, so paying out of pocket will limit my visits.  He suggested some exercises that will help strengthen the area as to not have a repeat once we get it under control.  My doctor suggested I purchase a TENS unit, which I. I had made a post on my Facebook page about the pain I had been in.  A friend reached out  through a private message, and told me about this nifty device called a Trigger Point Massager.  I had seen this device several time at Bed, Bath, and Beyond.  So, when they opened that next  morning, I ran over and purchased one.  Thank God for 20% off coupons, right?! I left armed with all my goodies and headed to Florida. The beauty of being on vacation is actually getting the time to focus on yourself.  We did a lot of hanging around at my parents, so I took every opportunity to use my new toys.  

     Yes, there is a point to my sharing the dirty details of my female cycles, or lack there of.  I will get to it!  One day, we were all hanging out, and I started to feel crampy.  I thought it was due to the pain that was radiating down to my hip.  So I hooked up my handy-dandy TENS unit and put the pads across my lower back. Ahh, sweet relief.  Then this wave of panic came over me. I hadn't had this feeling in abou10 years, so was I remembering this feeling correctly?  I excused myself to the bathroom and low and behold, Aunt Flo paid her first visit in 10 years!  I was astounded!  I almost didn't know what to do.  Thankfully it's like riding a bike. This time it was for real. No spot-show and go. This time she hung out.  In fact, she's still here. I never would have imagined that would ever make me excited.  I know all you women must think I am crazy!   I may be, but there's a reason for my happiness!

     I decided to pop onto the scale yesterday morning.  I know exactly what I weighed prior to leaving for my trip, having just gone to the doctor.  Guess what wasn't there?  6 pounds! 6. Six. And this morning, 1 more disappeared! Now, I am no doctor, but I DO believe there is a direct correlation.  Prior to this happening to my body, no change.  During, 7 pounds gone.  I changed nothing.  Actually, I ate terrible on vacation.  My mother and I had a game going where she would put out M&M's and I would make them disappear.  I won.  To add to the good news, my pinched nerve is pinched no more! With the help of my nifty devices and the skillful hands of my youngest daughter, I am pain free!

     The reason I decided to share all of this with you was not to over share. I believe we all know our bodies. I did not take no for an answer and decide to take the diagnosis (or lack there of) laying down. I do believe in working with doctors. I believe there are a lot of advancements in medicine.  What I struggle with is the current state of our healthcare system.  I strive to live a proactive life and not reactive. This is why I decided to partner with a company like dōTERRA, who is taking on the current healthcare system and creating clinics of their own.  There will be the full gambit of healthcare choices. A team of dedicated doctors (MDs and DOs), nutritionists, essential oil experts, and wellness coaches. If you are curious, you can read more about it here.

     I am fully committed to taking back control of my health and sharing what I am learning.  Although I wish I had known better to take care of my health when I was younger, I am so thankful that I am still able to!  Don't take No for an answer if you feel like you are not being heard.  Take control of your health today!Whatever that looks like for you. Whatever path you are led to follow.


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