Monday, April 23, 2018

Are you willing to do what it takes?

     Have you ever read or heard something that really stuck with you, and you can't remember where you read or heard it? This has happened to me on more than one occasion, but there is one thing that keeps burning in me to find its source.  I remember the gist of what I read, but I would really like to read it verbatim.  What I remember goes something like this, "Are you willing to do what it takes to get what you want?"  The story went like this, the author was talking about wanting to become a rock star when he was young.  He wanted the fame, the glitz, the glam, the girls; he wanted it all.  But he didn't want to do what it took to get there.  The long hours of learning an instrument, the long hours of performing, touring, bad reviews, good reviews, time away from family and friends, etc.  So in reality, the author did not want to be a rock star, not really.  The shock wave that it sent through me as I read these words was profound.  You would think then my brain would have locked away the source with the quote, since it hit me so hard.  Even though I have not been able to find it, the quote has not meant anything less to me since.  In fact, I think about it daily.

     I once attended a Leadership/Project Management seminar, and during a group project, they asked  us to focus on our task at hand and work from the end backwards.  The premise was to see the end result and figure out all the steps that we needed to get there.  It was a very effective exercise. But, as with 99.99% of things that happen to us in this lifetime, we do not get to see the end result first. We can picture what we would like the end result to be, but that's merely a blueprint. (best laid plans and all!)  I think this is why this quote had such a profound effect on me.  It gave me a way to look at my dreams and goals from a new perspective.

     So, what's a Mama Bear to do?  Am I willing to do what it takes to get where (I think) I want to go?   I do believe it is time to take that blueprint and work backwards.

     Allow me to digress for a moment. I think back to all the times that I have said that I want this, that, or the other thing.  The times that I thought I wanted to pursue something. The times I thought I wanted to live in various other places than where I was at that moment.  Did I?  Not many of them came to pass. So did I really?  I was always able to find a reason or excuse why something didn't work out as planned. It's like New Year's Resolutions.  We all jump on board with the list that includes losing weight, exercising more, spending more time with family, do this more, do that less. It's become a national joke of how many days will it take for you to quit on your list.  In reality, it probably wasn't your list. You didn't really want to do what it took to make those things happen. Harsh reality, I know.  Looking at from this other perspective, I know that I didn't truly want those things, I wasn't willing to do what it took to get them.  When I was young, I used to close my eyes, jump in head first and start to swim.  I had the freedom to allow the wind to carry me where I was meant to be.  As I got older, and then had children, I came to realize that this was no way to live.  I began making decisions from fear based on ideas that I thought I was supposed to want.  This did not work out for me, either.  I never really took the time to sit down and figure out what my strengths are and how I can use them.

     I came to the realization that I wanted to lead a life of service.  Since I always had a very definitive picture of what service meant, I never though that was for me.  What I didn't know was that there were so many ways to serve.  When I made the decision to partner with a Direct Sales company, I met with much criticism and even lost a friend because of it.  I also finally came to realize that all the struggle and strife that I have dealt with in my life was for something greater than I.  Finding a company that not only aligned with my beliefs about the healthcare industry, but also allows me to naturally take control of my health and educate others,  felt like the easiest decision to become a Wellness Advocate.  When you have been beaten down emotionally, trying to see yourself as making a difference, is a dangerous leap.  When your financial stability was stripped out from under you, you have a hard time imaging how you will bring your dream to fruition.  This is where breaking down whether I am willing to do what it takes, will get me where I want to go.   Once I saw how my dream and my passion blended together, it all began to fall into place.

     My struggles as a single mother and along with my health concerns are the foundation that drives me.  I know that I am meant to give women (whether a single mom or not) a place where they can be empowered, build knowledge, and take charge of their lives.  I sat down and wrote out a business plan to do just that.  When that was completed, I sat down again and mapped out what it would take (from me) to make it happen.  Not about the funding, or location, or partnerships. This map was just about me.  The hours involved in the project, the ability to retool the program as necessary, the emotional components involved, the participation and sacrifice from my family,  and the endurance to see it all through. Once I had it all laid out before me, I had to sincerely ask myself if I was willing to do everything it took?  I didn't ask this question for myself, I asked it for my family and the women that I am trying to help. Thankfully, they all received a resounding YES! I am willing to do what it takes.  Now, I just need to name it.

     Stepping out of your comfort zone if not only uncomfortable, it is scary as all get out.  Stepping out of your financial comfort zone is even scarier.  Having the faith to see through is tricky when you still feel unstable at times. But, I know I was given this knowledge and passion for a reason.  This will still be a tremendous leap, but this time my eyes are wide open.

     You know what your hearts desires are.  Now it is time to ask yourself...Are you willing to do what it takes? 


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