I think going through brain tumor surgery and cancer treatment with my son, the loss of my oldest sister, a bad divorce, followed by years of pain and heartache had jaded me. Actually, I know it did. I didn't want to see anyone's truth. I didn't even want to see my own. It was easier to retreat into my own safe haven, and not be concerned with what was happening with other people. I wasn't up for more rejection, and being raw in my pain had removed my filter. Thankfully, I was pulled out of the quagmire by a fellow seer. She saw right through my disguise and helped me to find my way back to myself.
I have been called a hippy-at-heart, a bleeding heart, a pot-stirrer, and blinded by my Utopian dream. I have watched people hurt each other, hurt themselves, and self-medicate their pain away. It breaks my heart, what I see these days. Our society is standing at the precipice, we need each other, now more than ever. It is time for be to begin voicing what I see again.
I am willing to share with you what I believe. Not to get you to see things my way or tell you what you believe it wrong. It is simply to give you insight into the person that I am.
- I believe that we are all connected.
- I believe that generalizations are bad from all perspectives. Assuming you know the way a person thinks based on one belief or interaction can lead to grave misunderstandings. When there are beliefs that cause disconnection, this is where problems can stem from. Seeing only differences causes division and misunderstanding. Believing that your way is the only way is selfish and foolish. Your way is the only way for you, just as my way is the only way for me. We are less different than you may believe.
- I believe some people mirror the pain we hide inside. Either by knowing the truth about us, or they hide the same truth. When we come in contact with those people, it stirs up emotions we may not be ready to deal with. This can cause erratic behavior that seems to come out of left field.
- I believe that we operate from either love or fear. Everything else is just a variation of each. I operated from fear for years, it did not serve me. I am so grateful to be back to love.
- I believe in Eastern Medicine AND Western Medicine. I believe that there are many wonderful advances and success stories in Western Medicine. I also believe that Eastern has stood the test of time for a reason. There is a place for both in my world. My family has seen the effects of both.
- I believe in Essential Oils, Meditation, Yoga, Reiki, Acupuncture, Acupressure, Reflexology, EFT (tapping), Chiropractic Care, Epsom Salt deprivation tank therapy, Himalayan Salt Cave therapy, Ayurveda, Thyroid Hormone Replacement Therapy, Surgery, and Dermatology.
- I believe in the Mind-Body connection. I believe that your recovery outcome will be every bit as much due to your attitude as the course of your treatment.
- I believe what we put out into the world comes back to us in kind. You can call this Karma, getting what you give, or the Golden Rule. Your preference, they are the same.
- I believe that everything happens as it was meant to. EVERYTHING.
- I believe the phases of the Moon effects my life. I noticed once I started following the Lunar phases, things changed for me. I was no longer building when I should have been releasing and vice versa. This is also true of the 4 seasons. Ever wonder why people's New Year Resolutions don't hold for very long? During the time when our system was designed to go into a hibernation period and hold on to fat for the winter, does not prove to be a good time for a new diet or lifestyle change.
I recently learned that I was doing my intention setting and releasing practices all wrong. I was always under the impression that you did the intention setting during the full moon and releasing at the new moon. No wonder none of them came to fruition. I was trying to set intentions and expansion during the time when the moon is waning. So, as the moon was depleting in its energy, I was trying to expand mine. This should be done during the New Moon when it begins the waxing period. As this new knowledge clicked I my brain, I felt a huge relief wash over me. Now that my mindset is in the right state, I can accomplish what I am supported to do.
I have always found the Moon fascinating. How it controls the tides. How it brings the crazy out in people when it's full (ask any ER nurse!) But mostly how it makes my heart feel when I look at it. You and I can be in the opposite ends of town or the country, and we will be gazing upon the same Moon. I find security in that. I will have to admit, I have always found the name Moon to be a bit drab. Why do other planets moons get cool names? It invokes something in us all. There are many references about it in songs, literature, and poetry. It makes paintings and pictures that much more special just by its mere presence. That fantastic orb that reflects off of the sun never disappoints when it is full.
Maybe you believe, as I do, that the moon's energy is one to find your flow with or you don't. Either way is fine. We each have our own prerogative to believe what works for us.
As we transition into the Full Moon tonight, the Moon will begin to wane and this is the time where we should be releasing, not building. Keeping things status quo and not beginning anything new. Letting go of things that no longer serve us.
Tonight I let it go...
If you are interested in learning how to perform a Full Moon Releasing Ceremony or New Moon Intention Setting, I would be more than happy to provide you with the guides that I use.
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