Come one, come all. Join me in my Garden.
I have come to think of my life as a garden. What I reap, I sow. From raising kids, nourishing my body and mind, to planting the seeds of my knowledge around my world. I am cultivating life through my daily choices. I have refocused my path to a journey towards better health and vitality. My intention with this blog is to remain accountable, by sharing my successes and struggles. I want to share what I am learning in the hopes that you too, can find your way to a healthier lifestyle as well. All that I will share is a result of what works (or doesn't work) for me. We all find our own path, gathering bits along the way from all kinds of sources. Not all ideas that work for me will work for you, and vice versa. I am a firm believer in information sharing. I love when people share ways they have made their lives easier. Once I opened myself up to the idea of being a constant work in progress, my life changed. I no longer looked at my struggles or failures as anything other than learning. I now look at my successes as stepping stones along my journey and I remember to celebrate them. My failures are no longer road blocks. I have finally stopped playing the "coulda, woulda, shoulda" game.
To give you a little background on me, I am currently 46 years old. I am single and the mother to 4 strong willed, free-spirited, beautiful souls. I was born in Pennsylvania, grew up in Michigan, and found myself in Colorado. I am of Polish and German decent. I am short in stature and currently working on my width factor. I have been on a path of self discovery since my eldest son was diagnosed with a brain tumor at the age of 5 and I was left alone to raise my children just 16 months later. Thankfully he survived, but it opened my eyes to a better way of treating our bodies. I was pressured into a Western Medicine treatment of radiation and chemotherapy. Sadly, my thirst for knowledge was cut short by the necessity to provide. I fell into a deep hole of despair, regret, and sugar. Just recently, I have felt that my head is finally above water and I no longer stand upon a rug that is about to be pulled from under me. I was given a book, Start with Why by Simon Sinek, by a boss I had about 5 years ago. I read it and really latched on to the ideology. I also have a major crush on Simon Sinek, but that's for another time. I believe there are no coincidences. Even though I had read this book when I got it, it wasn't until I read it the second time about a year ago that everything clicked. I just had to read it again at the right time. The foundation was there, then I was able to build upon it. The same thing happened for me with You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay. But, I digress.
My primary course of action in working toward optimal health and vitality is through Essential Oils. I was originally introduced to Essential Oils by a massage therapist friend while my son was in the hospital. I saw the amazing effect they had on him and they became a part of our household. When I was introduced about a year ago to dōTERRA, my life changed drastically. I admit, I had very little education in terms of the oils I was using, and I never really branched out past my usual 5. The possibilities were now endless. I was a kid in a candy store. Except, this time, the candy wasn't going to slowly kill me! So, in April, when I decided to sign on as a dōTERRA Wellness Advocate, it seemed like such a natural step.
Finding my WHY. I am sure by now, that term has been used in something you have read or heard. Sitting down and really discovering yours is a profound exercise. I highly recommend it. When you find someone or something that matches up with your Why, it feels so synergistic. When your passion is natural health alternatives and you find a company that offers those choices, you want to shout it from the rooftops! But then you remember that your rooftop is barely above garden level and you still have yourself surrounded by walls. Thankfully, I am very interesting in maintaining that garden. So, the next logical step is to dive in and educate myself. Create a regimen that works towards the results I am looking for. Next document the progress to allow for adjustments, additions, and accountability. So that long, round-about description then brings me back to this blog. That's me and my mission in a nut shell. I am back from crazy town, finding myself again, working on ways to live a healthier lifestyle for myself and my kids. I hope you will join me. Much love <3
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