I began to do research. Most people feel more vitality through the Spring and Summer months. Why is that? More sunshine seems to be a recurring theme, but there has to be more to it. Since I have no control over the sun, I wanted to find something I did have control over. This is what I found...
During the Spring and Summer months, we have more citrus fruits around than any other time. I started to read about what our Citrus Fruit Essential Oils offered by way of effects. Each one of them indicted that they were uplifting while also creating a calming and relaxing atmosphere. So it makes perfect sense that dōTERRA would make a blend called Citrus Bliss (Invigorating Blend). Reading about what using this blend achieves was spot on for my needs. Everything I was looking for was right there in that fabulous little brown bottle.
Diffusing Lavender to create a calming atmosphere may not be the best decision I ever made! I already felt like I could nap at a moments notice, this was not helping. It appears that I was on the right train, I just needed to jump the track. By adding Citrus Bliss and Peppermint to my Lavender, I will now be able to improve my focus and clarity. I came home from dropping my kids off to school (late, by the way) and fired up my diffuser. In the 1.5 hours since I began running this blend, I got rid of my headache, cleaned my kitchen, started laundry, wrote this post, finished a document I have been dragging out, reached out to 5 clients, and made a healthy breakfast. When I was driving the kids to school, my only thoughts were on finding a way to fit in a nap today.
I do believe I found a winning combination and can kick these grey sky, seasonal blues to the curb! Time to get back to living and not just surviving. I am going to begin playing with some of the other recommended diffuser blends I found created by a fellow wellness advocate.
I may not see the sunshine today, but I can feel it!
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